Family Ties Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1994, to provide intensive home-based counseling and community integration services for families and children. Our professional staff is comprised of a Psychiatrist, Licensed Psychologist, Licensed and Masters level Clinicians, Behavioral Aides, Parent Educators, Substance Abuse Counselors, Certified Domestic Violence Counselors and Educators, Anger Management Counselors and Educators, Therapist certified in Play Therapy, Trauma Focused CBT, DBT and Stress Management. Family Ties is presently providing services in Cobb, Clayton, Coweta, Dekalb, Douglas, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry and Rockdale County.
Agency Mission
Family Ties works with individuals and families to enhance their mental, physical and social skills and strives to safely maintain children in their home or other permanent option
Our Philosophy
All families have an inherent ability to address any situation they may face. We believe that with proper support, education and encouragement, families can establish goals and a value base that will guide them in their development. We believe that values dictate actions and only through a change of values can true behavioral change take place. We believe the best place for this growth and development to occur is within the home and community.