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Parent & Family Engagement

What is Parent & Family Engagement?

The purpose of Parent and Family Engagement under Title I, Part A is to promote active engagement among local educational agencies (LEA) administrators, school staff, parents, parent advocacy organizations, parental involvement liaisons, community leaders, and others working to improve student achievement and academic success. Family Engagement is defined as the participation of parents in regular two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities:

  • Parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
  • Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
  • Parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making as well as being a part of the advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
  • Parents carry out other activities as described in section 1116 of the ESSA​.​

Parent Liaisons are assigned to Fulton County’s Title I schools. Parent Liaisons serve as a link between the schools and parents, relay the needs of one to the other; educate teachers and staff on how to communicate and work effectively with parents as equal partners.

Parent & Family Engagement Events Coming Soon


What is a Parent Liaison?

 The Brookview Elementary School Parent Liaison is a person employed by Fulton County Schools, and is also a BVES parent who is familiar with the challenges parents face.  Although this person is not a counselor, they work to bridge the communication between school and home by helping parents get the information, support, and help they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success in school.  Parent Liaisons want to empower parents and make sure they that they understand what they can do to get involved, keep informed, and share information to ensure that their child does his or her best.

How can the Parent Liaison Help me?

Sometimes it may be uncomfortable for parents to share questions or concerns directly with their child’s teacher or the administration. The Parent Liaison can listen to your concerns and then work with you to make sure they are resolved. Good communication between home and school is important for your child’s success, and your Parent Liaison want to make sure that you understand what you can do to keep the lines of communication open.  The Parent Liaison provides you a private link and another connection to your child’s school.

What kind of assistance can the Parent Liaison provide?

During this time, the Parent Resource Center will provide the following assitance to Parents:

  • Printing or Faxing Documents; Please email items to Temeka Freeman and you will receive a response when items are available for pick-up.
  • Check out of learning materials and resources to support at home learning. 
  • Provide virtual workshops, trainings, and meetings regarding Curriculum Updates and Supports. 
  • Transition Meetings for Pre-K and 5th grade students in the Spring of the School Year






The Child Abuse Reporting Procedures and Volunteer Registration Form are now combined into one process.

Watch the Child Abuse Reporting Procedures training.

This ensures that you fully understand the responsibilities as a mandated reporter per new state law. We are happy to provide computer access for anyone who does not have Internet access at home.

Complete the Volunteer Registration Form.

After 48 hours, you may report to the school to complete the process which includes scanning your official government ID.

Helpful Tips:

  • Enter your full name as it appears on your state-issued Id.
  • Take your ID to the school each time you visit the school. ​ 

The must be complete before parents/guardians are allowed to visit thier child's class in any capacity. This includes but not limited to, as a room parent, parent volunteer, or parent reader. While we always want to encourage parent involvement, we have to make sure we know who is in our building at all times. Again, safety is always our number one priority.

Thank you for your assistance as we work together to make our school a safe environment for all students.

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Temeka Freeman
Parent & Community Liaison

Phone Number: (470) 254-9124
Daily Hours: 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.