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School Governance Council

SGC Overview

The purpose of the School Governance Council is to provide parents, school staff, and community members with a leadership role in the management of the school. The School Governance Council is a governing body that is representative of the community and the school, but operates under the control and management of the Board of Education. The Council is responsible for making decisions regarding the strategic direction of the school including:

  • Approve the school strategic plan and updates
  • Approve the annual budget and annual resource allocations
  • Manage the Request for Flexibility process
  • Participate in hiring the principal (in the case of a vacancy)
  • Provide annual feedback on principal performance.




Name Membership Position Term End Date Email Committee
Jovita Wallace Principal 6/30/2025 N/A
Tia Gates   School Employee   6/30/2025   Chairperson  
Jerron McMillan School Employee 6/30/2026 Parliamentarian
 Kandice Christopher Teacher 6/30/2025  
Shacoria Elliott Teacher 6/30/2026 Vice Chairperson
Crystal Carey Parent 6/30/2026  
Beverly Cain Parent     6/30/2025  
Kristen Thomas Community Member   6/30/2025  
Vacant Community Member      


Finance Committee​

The Finance Committee conducts its work within the regular monthly Governance Council meetings and, at this time, has had no separate meetings.

Finance Committee​ Members

 Tia Gates, Chair, 

Crystal Carey, Parent

Outreach/Communications Committee

The Outreach/Communications ​Committee conducts its work within the regular monthly Governance Council meetings and, at this time, has had no separate meetings.​

 Outreach/Communications Committee Members

Kandice Christopher, Crystal Carey

Principal Selection Committee

The Principal's Selection Committee will only convene if the principal's position becomes vacant. 

Principal Selection Committee Members

Tia Gates, Shacoria Elliott, Beverly Cain

SGC Handbook

Brookview Strategic Plan

Our SGC worked with our Brookview Leadership Team to create and approve our strategic plan.  Our long-term goals include:

  1. Improve school wide attendance across all grade levels
  2. Decrease the number of office referrals and out of school suspensions
  3. Increase student's achievement through integrating literacy in Math, Social Studies and Science across all grade levels

The below Strategic Plan Narrative Document includes the Environmental Scan and Organizational Assessment data used to create the plan. The Strategic Plan Overview document is a one-page overview that includes our goals, objectives, and initiatives.

2023-2024 SGC Meetings


Meeting Date ​Time ​Location (Face to Face in the Media Center and on TEAMS)
08.21.24 3:00 p.m. Virtual- Microsoft Teams
11.11.24 3:00 p.m.  Virtual- Microsoft Teams
12.28.24 3:00 p.m.  Virtual- Microsoft Teams
01.15.25 3:00 p.m.   Virtual- Microsoft Teams
02.19.25 3:00 p.m.   Virtual- Microsoft Teams  
03.19.25 3:00 p.m.   Virtual- Microsoft Teams
04.16.25 3:00 p.m.   Virtual- Microsoft Teams



SGC Documents

SGC Summary of Action
